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Posted by: Admin in 17 Feb 2023


हम सभी जानते हैं कि शेर जंगल का राजा होता है। एक बार एक

By Admin , 17 Feb 2023

Posted by: Admin in 14 Feb 2023


One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, th

By Admin , 14 Feb 2023

Posted by: Admin in 14 Feb 2023


Bhola owns a donkey called Khandya. Bhola is a very tolerant and kind master. The donkey is lazy and is always finding ways to avoid work.


By Admin , 14 Feb 2023

Posted by: Admin in 18 Jan 2023


The rain gods had been smiling the whole night. The roads were muddy and the potholes were filled to the brim.  It was the day for the market

By Admin , 18 Jan 2023

Posted by: Admin in 18 Jan 2023


It was the aftermath of a big festival. Two cats were prowling together. One of the cats saw a big cake and missed. The other jumped up and picked

By Admin , 18 Jan 2023

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